When you throw away clothing, not only does it waste money and resources, but it can take 200+ years for the materials to decompose in landfill. During the decomposition process, textiles generate greenhouse methane gas and leach toxic chemicals and dyes into the groundwater and our soil.
Our garments are made from natural fibre and are biodegradable. They do not pollute the environment. They are made to last if you take care of it properly.
WASHING : When washing place gently in warm water ( no more than 20 centigrade) and press down. Alpaca garments float in water as alpaca fibre is hollow and contains air. These garments are entirely breathable. So you need to push them down in the water so that you expel the air in the fibre.
Add a spoon of a liquid eco friendly detergent and leave to soak for 30 minutes. Please do not use chemicals as these garments are super eco-friendly. We do not want to pollute the water system. Toxic water ends up in rivers.
Do not agitate as the fibres could felt and cause the garment to shrink. Then take the garment out and place in warm water to rinse off the detergent. Again leave for around 20 minutes. Take the garment out, give it a squeeze ( do not wring it) to expel the water and dry flat on a dry towel. When the towel is wet place on another dry towel. If it is sunny you can dry flat on a table outside. Alpaca garments like our alpacas love the sun!
MOTHS : Moths love the keratin in alpaca fibre. Alpaca fibre is like our hair - it has loads of keratin. It is best to store your garment in an airtight bag and seal it. If you can buy moth repellent sachets you can place one of these in the bag.
REPAIR : If you accidently damage your garment or develop moth holes and need it repaired please contact us. We will mend it and send back to you. Our garments are not a by product of fast fashion. They have been slowly and carefully made by artisans in Exmoor who take great pride in their work. We want you to enjoy your garment and keep it for many years and to remember our alpacas who gave their fleece for your garment and the artisans who made it for you.
Enjoy wearing EKOALPAKA!