We manage our pasture to ensure rotation and good quality grass. All the animals are left free to graze in their fields and are taken into the barns during the night and rain.
Their diet is exclusively based on natural grasses and special mineral supplements. The alpacas are shorn once a year by specialist alpaca shearers who know how to handle the animal ensuring minimum stress. Our shearer takes utmost care not to hurt our alpaca and only uses special mechanical razors. They do not cut the fleece with scissors and other sharp tools as the circumstances require in South American communities which are well known for alpaca fibre production.
Shearing is a family event and our helpers take care for our alpaca ensuring that each alpaca is treated well at shearing. We closely supervise shearing - the welfare of our alpaca is our number one concern.
Alpaca fleece has formidable properties.
Its three times warmer and lighter than merino and cashmere.
Its durable soft and hypoallergenic.
It can trap heat to protect you from the cold and release heat and moisture in warmer weather.
This is what makes Alpaca suitable for all seasons.